Well Hurricane Gustav rolled through Louisiana like Sherman through Atlanta. New Orleans seems to be everyone’s concern and they faired better than expected, but folks there is a lot more to Louisiana than New Orleans. Houma and the extreme southern parishes got hammered, and central Louisiana got run over pretty good too. Up here in northeastern Louisiana we got some wind damage, but the biggest problem was the rain. Ten to twenty inches of rain depending on which parish you were in. I live in the country, and we get a little water when it rains hard, but I’ve never seen it this bad where I’m living now. Oh yeah, and we all had to suffer through the evacuees.
I’ll hand it to Governor Jindal and the government, they had this one prepared for. Evacuations went well, centers went up around the state for the influx. We take care of our neighbors up here, so the volunteers showed up to help. Then the rain hit. We had to fight flooding from the biblical rains as well as care for our evacuees. The centers were set up in civic centers, sports coliseums, churches, and abandoned stores (Wal Marts, etc). Cots, televisions, and porta potties were set up. Showers were brought into many locations. And people donated the food, as well as local restaurants.
And the complaints started.
We have to go outside to use the bathroom, the food isn’t New Orleans food, there is no food variety, no showers (ok, I’d be upset if I stunk too), we’re sleeping on cots, etc. Now don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of folks that drove up here in their own cars and stayed quietly and thanked the volunteers. A lot were grateful for the response in their time of need. But a lot were not.
The evacuees started arriving in buses on Saturday. By Thursday the volunteers were shell shocked and tired of the griping. Maybe that’s because by Thursday the nice evacuees that arrived in their own cars were gone. They went home as soon as possible to check their property. The officials in New Orleans wanted everyone to stay in shelters until the majority of the power and utilities were back on. I’m sure a lot of these “bus people” are fine too, but man the others are really making a name for themselves.
And the lovely media found out and went to town about how awful it was. One brain surgeon went on tv and proclaimed “They had 3 years to get ready for this and just look. We’re sleeping on cots, and using porta johns set up outside!” Well we residents of north Louisiana are just so sorry we didn’t install shelters built by Hilton so they could sit and wait for you idiots to be bussed up here for all the free food and shelter. One lady in the small town of Winnsboro griped the food was bad and she’d rather eat fast food. The local paper even responded to her thanking her for the tax support buying something locally. Winnsboro was also fighting flooding it had never seen before. Roads were covered, farms destroyed, and houses lost to the water. One evacuee angrily stated “just turn the pumps on!” Believe me Einstein, if there were pumps and levees there, they would have. One center had food donated by the Piccadilly Cafeteria, 3 times a day. I know this doesn’t sound great, but our Piccadilly has fantastic food unlike some others. Volunteers were stunned on the third day when evacuees griped the food wasn’t piping hot and it was chicken again. And this is the place we pay $10 a plate to eat. I say give them MRE’s. It was good enough for me during Katrina, and for my son now when he’s in the field with the military.
What makes people act this way? Sure they want to go home too, but to what? An apartment where there is no power or utilities? Of course they would be out in the streets crying about all the racism and government ineptness. In Shreveport, the Coalition of something or other was formed to voice complaints about the centers. Any time any group is formed with the word “coalition” in it, you can book it’s against the government or how they live. These people were displaced for their own safety. I haven’t forgotten Katrina/Rita. It was bad for months. The people were brought north and given free food and shelter. It’s not great, and it’s extremely basic living. But try to set up a place 100-200 people can live for a week or so in 12 hours and you begin to see the problem. Then while you’re setting it up, begin 2 more across town. Could Americans be getting too soft? Or is this another statement against the welfare state of New Orleans? Americans used to stand together in times of need. We toughed out the tragedy we faced. We don’t mean for you to stay here forever, just for a brief time and go home. Sorry you were put out, but it’s better than where you would have been.
They are leaving now, and from north Louisiana good riddance. Those of you who came up and stayed with us without complaint are welcome back. You worked with a bad situation and had the fortitude to live through it. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. For the idiots who made life hell here, just stay down there next time. We have problems too here, and don’t need you making more. I’ll close with this one insight story about the evacuees. A guy I know lives near one of the evacuation centers. His neighborhood was very hard hit with flooding, but he only got water in one room of his home. He said the centers did not allow alcohol (for obvious reasons) and after dark, the neighborhood would fill with evacuees drinking liquor from a liquor store out by the highway. They would hang out at bus stop benches (no bus service) and walk the neighborhood getting drunk. He was coming home with his young daughter one evening when he heard his daughter say “Eww Daddy!” He looked over to see an evacuee standing by a bench 10 feet from his daughter, beer in one hand, and you know what in the other urinating on the side of the road.
Yeah, have a nice trip home.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hurricane Fay
Oh I have enjoyed watching the news people this morning. They are falling all over themselves trying to make Tropical Storm Fay into another world ending disaster. There were no pictures of torn up houses or boats to show, so no problem...we have footage of a 2004 hurricane that hit the same area. We'll just show that again! Of course there was the idiot that wanted to wind surf and got blown across the street and is in critical condition, and if you didn't see that you have had your tv turned off for a couple of days. The media is pulling out the stops to over report another non disaster.
Since no one had a high rise blown away, they just stand on the beach (without even an umbrella) and go on and on about how there could be flooding and tornadoes and this ISN'T over! Oh please.
Don't take this wrong, I'm not making light of hurricanes and the damage they cause. I rode out Hurricane Andrew and was down in New Orleans after Katrina. Hurricanes are horrible disaster when they hit, but dear old Fay is a tropical storm. And it's killing the media because we haven't been able to dress up in our spiffy weather gear and stand around in the rain and wind and talk to the public.
This is just another example of the media blowing things up for ratings. I just wake up in the mornings and want to know whats going on in the world. But this morning I get bombarded with Fay "slamming" the Florida coast and Bigfoot. Oh and there is the other non event of McCain having an edge over Obama in the church "cone of silence" flap. Or I guess I should say the media defined "flap". If the news agencies can't report on a controversy or disaster, they just create one. Nothing this morning on the U.S. channels about the attack in Afghanistan, just more election BS and the "perfect storm". Thank you BBC for being the last bastion of reporting. I do have to put up with soccer (football for the Brits) scores, but they do report news.
I hope all you Floridians are safe, the storm is a problem but not a disaster of the proportion the media is letting on. And man I wish the election was over. After 2 years of this bunk just get it over. And I can't wait to see the spin the media puts on it if the Chosen One (Obama) doesn't win and save us all from ourselves.
Since no one had a high rise blown away, they just stand on the beach (without even an umbrella) and go on and on about how there could be flooding and tornadoes and this ISN'T over! Oh please.
Don't take this wrong, I'm not making light of hurricanes and the damage they cause. I rode out Hurricane Andrew and was down in New Orleans after Katrina. Hurricanes are horrible disaster when they hit, but dear old Fay is a tropical storm. And it's killing the media because we haven't been able to dress up in our spiffy weather gear and stand around in the rain and wind and talk to the public.
This is just another example of the media blowing things up for ratings. I just wake up in the mornings and want to know whats going on in the world. But this morning I get bombarded with Fay "slamming" the Florida coast and Bigfoot. Oh and there is the other non event of McCain having an edge over Obama in the church "cone of silence" flap. Or I guess I should say the media defined "flap". If the news agencies can't report on a controversy or disaster, they just create one. Nothing this morning on the U.S. channels about the attack in Afghanistan, just more election BS and the "perfect storm". Thank you BBC for being the last bastion of reporting. I do have to put up with soccer (football for the Brits) scores, but they do report news.
I hope all you Floridians are safe, the storm is a problem but not a disaster of the proportion the media is letting on. And man I wish the election was over. After 2 years of this bunk just get it over. And I can't wait to see the spin the media puts on it if the Chosen One (Obama) doesn't win and save us all from ourselves.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Olympic opening ceremony
I'll admit it. I watched the opening ceremony for the Olympics. I'll also admit I was impressed with the whole thing. Who can deny being impressed seeing thousands of performers on "stage" at one time. What really turned me off was NBC's commentary of the thing. They had a Chinese expert explaining the whole thing to us while it was going on. The drums in the first production were copies of some just discovered in 2005 and are the oldest musical instrument found in China. And that's an impressive statement. But later, the military marched onto the field and accepted the Chinese flag from a group of children. This showed (according to the expert) how the state protects the children and the public. I just kept thinking of the Olympics in Berlin with Hitler. Sorry, I just don't expect to see the military on the field at the Olympics. And later when a crowd of people supported a solo dancer on what appeared to be a single sheet of fabric, the "expert" gushed how this showed how the many supported every single person in China.
I almost turned it off, but I settled on muting the stinking commentary. The spectacle they put on was very impressive, but before I muted them the commentators stated the performers had been practicing for 8 months. Again I smiled thinking how good the performers could be with the military standing around making them practice. I know it probably didn't happen, but I just couldn't help thinking about it. Face it, China isn't known for it's friendly treatment of it's citizens.
The other thing talked about was security. Heck I remembered how many people were denied visas because the Chinese thought they were dangerous or subversive. And there was the payback to the President's statements by keeping the media penned up on their plane while the Chinese decided if they were going to let them in or not. And then with all the security, and American gets killed in front of his family on a tourist jaunt.
Sorry NBC, it seems China isn't Nirvana like you seem to think. And I guess someone said something about it since I've noticed the commentary has become a little more critical of the Chinese government. Oh how I love the media.
The bottom line, it is still about the athletes. They have trained for years to get to this event and are to be honored for their achievements. Even if they don't win a medal, I salute you for your sacrifice and dedication. The world is watching you and we do see past all the BS spouted by experts. This is your time, rejoice.
I almost turned it off, but I settled on muting the stinking commentary. The spectacle they put on was very impressive, but before I muted them the commentators stated the performers had been practicing for 8 months. Again I smiled thinking how good the performers could be with the military standing around making them practice. I know it probably didn't happen, but I just couldn't help thinking about it. Face it, China isn't known for it's friendly treatment of it's citizens.
The other thing talked about was security. Heck I remembered how many people were denied visas because the Chinese thought they were dangerous or subversive. And there was the payback to the President's statements by keeping the media penned up on their plane while the Chinese decided if they were going to let them in or not. And then with all the security, and American gets killed in front of his family on a tourist jaunt.
Sorry NBC, it seems China isn't Nirvana like you seem to think. And I guess someone said something about it since I've noticed the commentary has become a little more critical of the Chinese government. Oh how I love the media.
The bottom line, it is still about the athletes. They have trained for years to get to this event and are to be honored for their achievements. Even if they don't win a medal, I salute you for your sacrifice and dedication. The world is watching you and we do see past all the BS spouted by experts. This is your time, rejoice.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Earmarks and the Pelosi Politburo
I hit the ceiling again tonight. Our tax dollars are being wasted, we all know that but there is a Congressman from Pennsylvania that really takes the cake. Earmarks again! Those little multi-million dollar gifts the idiots in Washington give each other. This guy Paul Kanjorski had a huge office building put up in his home town. What did they call it? You guessed it…The Kanjorski Center! One problem, the only client moved out and it is now standing empty costing the city of Nanticoke money just to keep it up. Well re enter good old Congressman Kanjorski who wants to build a parking garage for the building so a community college might move in. One slight problem though, the Feds won’t allow a parking building to be built with earmarks unless it’s for a mass transit system. That really got ole Paul mad. As he was being interviewed, Congressman Paul said the rule was stupid and shouldn’t apply to him since Congress had its own rules and he should be able to use it to build the garage. From what I could gather, the city doesn’t want it either, but good ole Paul said who could turn down free money! FREE MONEY! MY MONEY! This is how these “leaders” in Congress think. The interviewer was even stunned and brought up the fact it wasn’t free money. Kanjorski finally admitted it was taxpayer money, but the city didn’t have to fork it out. Oh man, I thought Louisiana cornered the market on stupid, crooked politicians…
Oh and if you’re tired of $4 a gallon gas, don’t worry. It’ll be going up soon. It seems a group of Republicans and Democrats got together without lobbyists or their respective party’s leaders and hammered out a bi partisan energy bill that allows off shore drilling and money for alternate energy sources. WOW! Republicans and Democrats sitting down together and getting something done, and it’s about time. What happened? Not a damn thing. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the Politburo and will not allow a vote so the messiah Barak Obama wouldn’t have to vote against it. That would look bad, don’t you know. Well the Republicans pushed it today and Pelosi responded. She cut out the lights and turned off the microphones. We need our 5 week vacation! We don’t care you can’t afford anything anymore because it’s all going into the gas tank! Don’t get me wrong, the Republicans stayed around and debated among themselves after Pelosi closed the session and turned out the lights, and that was a little childish. But come on Pelosi! Mom and Pop America are hurting and you people on the Hill could give a DAMN! I heard Glen Beck on the radio the other day and I love his motto. Pitchforks and Torches. Defending America since 1786! Write your Congressman and Senator while they are on their 5 week vacation and tell them to get off their butts and do something. ANYTHING! This congress is the laziest and worst in history. And we Americans are standing around and letting the lunacy continue. Let them hear about it.
Oh and if you’re tired of $4 a gallon gas, don’t worry. It’ll be going up soon. It seems a group of Republicans and Democrats got together without lobbyists or their respective party’s leaders and hammered out a bi partisan energy bill that allows off shore drilling and money for alternate energy sources. WOW! Republicans and Democrats sitting down together and getting something done, and it’s about time. What happened? Not a damn thing. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the Politburo and will not allow a vote so the messiah Barak Obama wouldn’t have to vote against it. That would look bad, don’t you know. Well the Republicans pushed it today and Pelosi responded. She cut out the lights and turned off the microphones. We need our 5 week vacation! We don’t care you can’t afford anything anymore because it’s all going into the gas tank! Don’t get me wrong, the Republicans stayed around and debated among themselves after Pelosi closed the session and turned out the lights, and that was a little childish. But come on Pelosi! Mom and Pop America are hurting and you people on the Hill could give a DAMN! I heard Glen Beck on the radio the other day and I love his motto. Pitchforks and Torches. Defending America since 1786! Write your Congressman and Senator while they are on their 5 week vacation and tell them to get off their butts and do something. ANYTHING! This congress is the laziest and worst in history. And we Americans are standing around and letting the lunacy continue. Let them hear about it.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The media
I find it amazing how much news we can access from around the world. I’m addicted to it. Unfortunately, our around the clock television news coverage seems to miss 95% of it. A kidnapping, murder, fire, or some other news item that should be reported suddenly becomes a 24 hour a day story. Non stop, no matter what time you check the news it’s the same story. Fortunately, I also get BBC on my cable. It hit me when I was learning of all the trouble in Africa from the British and try the U.S. news and we get…the election. Fox News has become the election network with the missing spouse/girlfriend/child of the day network. CNN tries a little harder now, but they spend too much time on puff pieces. Like the coverage of Budweiser being bought by the Belgians. No CEO interview, let’s find the stereotype beer drinker on the street and show how dumb Americans are. When asked about the sale, the guy answered “Yeah it was bought by that Belgian company from Germany, right?” Please.
The nightly news shows? Even worse. I was raised on Walter Cronkite every evening. We would sit around and let Walter tell us everything that happened here and around the world for 30 minutes every day. Now you get 5 minutes of Barack Obama and how wonderful he is, or 5 minutes on how dumb McCain is. Then you might get a few minutes of real news, followed by the remainder of the show on some investigative report or some “Person of the Day” fluff piece. Gee, I turned on the nightly news to see the news, not learn of some guy making his own molasses in a shack in the middle of nowhere. Even in the old days, Charles Kuralt was only on once a week or so. Sadly, the nightly news on the networks has gone politically correct or on their own political agenda. Take a look at the Obama orgy going on in Iraq. No unbiased reporting is available anymore. It’s truly sad.
Is it the total fault of the media? Well, a good bit I think. But they are catering to what America wants. I find it stunning on a daily basis how little so called “intelligent” people know about current events. Sure we know all about who the networks want as president or the newest diet fad, but for two weeks I read and heard about the genocide and stolen elections in Africa before there was even a mention of it here. And then it was an item for a day or so before the next celebrity flounced out of a car wearing no panties and the media was off again. But it’s what most Americans watch! It’s what they evidently want. I find it hard to believe we have become that dull and dense. Does the New York news elite think the rest of us are that dumb that we had to have the bar lowered to what they think the common denominator is? Why should we be banished to a place where we have to get the world's news from the internet or the BBC? This is AMERICA!
The eco-nut Al Gore challenged the country to hug a tree and get totally recyclable energy in 10 years. I think I’ll issue another challenge. I would love my fellow Americans to start giving a damn about what goes on in the world. Demand unbiased reporting. Let’s get back to an America where people actually know who their Congressman is. Let’s get a little more intelligent about current events. Maybe then we can do more about problems than stand around and whine for somebody to fix them. Or make smarter choices about who we elect instead of who is “cuter” or “funnier”. If you can believe it, that last actually happened to me. A co worker said she was voting for a candidate for governor because his commercials made her laugh. Not what he stood for, he made her laugh so he got her vote. So let’s all vote for Lewis Black for President, right? Oh man, it have to go scream now. Have a good weekend.
The nightly news shows? Even worse. I was raised on Walter Cronkite every evening. We would sit around and let Walter tell us everything that happened here and around the world for 30 minutes every day. Now you get 5 minutes of Barack Obama and how wonderful he is, or 5 minutes on how dumb McCain is. Then you might get a few minutes of real news, followed by the remainder of the show on some investigative report or some “Person of the Day” fluff piece. Gee, I turned on the nightly news to see the news, not learn of some guy making his own molasses in a shack in the middle of nowhere. Even in the old days, Charles Kuralt was only on once a week or so. Sadly, the nightly news on the networks has gone politically correct or on their own political agenda. Take a look at the Obama orgy going on in Iraq. No unbiased reporting is available anymore. It’s truly sad.
Is it the total fault of the media? Well, a good bit I think. But they are catering to what America wants. I find it stunning on a daily basis how little so called “intelligent” people know about current events. Sure we know all about who the networks want as president or the newest diet fad, but for two weeks I read and heard about the genocide and stolen elections in Africa before there was even a mention of it here. And then it was an item for a day or so before the next celebrity flounced out of a car wearing no panties and the media was off again. But it’s what most Americans watch! It’s what they evidently want. I find it hard to believe we have become that dull and dense. Does the New York news elite think the rest of us are that dumb that we had to have the bar lowered to what they think the common denominator is? Why should we be banished to a place where we have to get the world's news from the internet or the BBC? This is AMERICA!
The eco-nut Al Gore challenged the country to hug a tree and get totally recyclable energy in 10 years. I think I’ll issue another challenge. I would love my fellow Americans to start giving a damn about what goes on in the world. Demand unbiased reporting. Let’s get back to an America where people actually know who their Congressman is. Let’s get a little more intelligent about current events. Maybe then we can do more about problems than stand around and whine for somebody to fix them. Or make smarter choices about who we elect instead of who is “cuter” or “funnier”. If you can believe it, that last actually happened to me. A co worker said she was voting for a candidate for governor because his commercials made her laugh. Not what he stood for, he made her laugh so he got her vote. So let’s all vote for Lewis Black for President, right? Oh man, it have to go scream now. Have a good weekend.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Mortgage crisis my foot!
Oh Lord! It's a mortgage crisis! I agree it's sad, because it's the American dream to own your own home in a nice area and raise your family. But come on, take a look at what happened and is happening right now. Sub prime loans given to people who probably shouldn't have gotten the loan in the first place by greedy brokers. They knew the mortgage would be lumped into a group and sold within the first year to a large bank for investments. Get my money and run. They even would loan more than the home value to give the person a little walking around money. The house is 200K? How about a loan for 220K and you have a little extra? I saw the 60 minutes piece on it and almost threw the remote at the TV when I heard that one. Nothing but greed on both sides of the table and frankly, should be illegal (maybe it is). The banks didn't look at the applications well enough and surprise! The people couldn't pay the note when it ballooned to the higher rate. It really is sad, because a lot of nice people got taken in the scam. Some buyers weren't explained this, or they chose not to listen thinking they would refinance before it ballooned. It's bad business, and right now business is taking care of itself. Mortgage companies in trouble, banks in trouble, and real estate companies in trouble. You run business fast and loose and you run the risk of going under. Survival of the fittest. It hurts, but that's the way it is. And now they want my hard earned dollars to bail it all out! NO! I saved up and applied for my first home loan. Heck it was 12% in the early 80's! They just interviewed some builder on the news in New Jersey. He's putting up a 70 unit housing unit and is scared it won't fill up. He said he hoped Congress passed the legislation because he really needed it, or it would be a hard couple of years!! Here's a news flash for you buddy, why build it??? Save your money and mine and wait for better times. I shouldn't bail everyone out because you don't want a lean year. Ask the people who can't make ends meet right now. It's just disgusting.
Hey don't get me wrong, the loaners aren't the only one's that need to stand up and take responsibility. People are walking away from homes and loans daily. Default on a loan? Unheard of when I was growing up. You signed on the dotted line and committed to it. If the bank repo's the house it's bad, but just to walk away because things are getting hard? That's just wrong and says a lot about our current generation. Not all of this generation are like that. And don't think I'm just spouting off, I don't have to look any further than my oldest son to see hope. He married a girl with a couple of kids and then had one of his own. He's still in college and they both work their butts off. They rented a house they could afford in a good school zone. He is doing great in college, and honestly I don't think I could have done what he is doing right now. I help when I can, but he refuses charity. If you think I'm proud of my son, you're right. Damned proud. It's great to have a shining example to look at when I get disgusted with others of his generation that just throw in the towel and walk away. If you make an agreement, even if you didn't sign on the dotted line and just shook hands, honor your commitment! This country operated since it's inception with honor and reputation. Walking away from a mortgage shows the world you have neither.
So what do we do? Cross our arms and stamp our little feet and scream for Washington to fix it? Hell no. We let the mortgage companies go under. Not all will, and yes the banks will have a hard time, but we need to get back on track. If someone working for me fouled up that bad, I wouldn't bail him out so he could do it again. I'd fire his butt, or demote him to official paper clip sorter. America will go through some hard times, but we survived them before. And I can't believe it will be 1929 all over again. There are too many safe guards in place, but we don't need to throw good money after bad in this mess. The American dream will be safe. A lot of people just needed to get a lesson in the dream. You work your tail off and get it when you can. And these days if it looks too good to be true, trust me it is.
Hey don't get me wrong, the loaners aren't the only one's that need to stand up and take responsibility. People are walking away from homes and loans daily. Default on a loan? Unheard of when I was growing up. You signed on the dotted line and committed to it. If the bank repo's the house it's bad, but just to walk away because things are getting hard? That's just wrong and says a lot about our current generation. Not all of this generation are like that. And don't think I'm just spouting off, I don't have to look any further than my oldest son to see hope. He married a girl with a couple of kids and then had one of his own. He's still in college and they both work their butts off. They rented a house they could afford in a good school zone. He is doing great in college, and honestly I don't think I could have done what he is doing right now. I help when I can, but he refuses charity. If you think I'm proud of my son, you're right. Damned proud. It's great to have a shining example to look at when I get disgusted with others of his generation that just throw in the towel and walk away. If you make an agreement, even if you didn't sign on the dotted line and just shook hands, honor your commitment! This country operated since it's inception with honor and reputation. Walking away from a mortgage shows the world you have neither.
So what do we do? Cross our arms and stamp our little feet and scream for Washington to fix it? Hell no. We let the mortgage companies go under. Not all will, and yes the banks will have a hard time, but we need to get back on track. If someone working for me fouled up that bad, I wouldn't bail him out so he could do it again. I'd fire his butt, or demote him to official paper clip sorter. America will go through some hard times, but we survived them before. And I can't believe it will be 1929 all over again. There are too many safe guards in place, but we don't need to throw good money after bad in this mess. The American dream will be safe. A lot of people just needed to get a lesson in the dream. You work your tail off and get it when you can. And these days if it looks too good to be true, trust me it is.
mortgage bailout,
mortgage crisis,
stand up america
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
OK it's time.
I have had it with people who point fingers when they are confronted with a problem. Mostly it's the politicians I'm really steamed with, but it seems these days everything that happens is someone else's fault. I was raised by parents that demanded you take responsibility for your actions. I raised my sons that way too. I've been married for over 20 years to a great woman that I still love now as much as I did when we married. I go to church. I don't think I'm alone out there in the wasteland frustrated about the "politically correct" responses that define our everyday life now. It just seems that way to me sometimes. So here it is, I started a blog. Me, the guy that lives out in the country and has dirt under his fingernails.
Oil. I'm sick of hearing about it. It's China, it's big oil companies, it's speculators, it's ecology freaks, or pick the flavor of the week to blame prices on. Supply and demand? OK, I understand that because my brother teaches Finance and is married to an economist. But realistically, record profits by big oil last year on top of the record profits the year before are a little hard to swallow. How about calling it what it is...Greed. But hey, they're a business, right? Think about that the next time you fill up and dish out a C note. Wall Street speculators? Yeah, I rank them right up there with the big oil people. Greed. Don't go to Congress and give us all the hocus pocus of how hard it is for you to make billions in profit. Just tell us it's a business. We want all your money, and we figured out you HAVE to fill up your tank to go to work!
And politicians. Oh how I'm coming to hate anyone I ever voted for. Evidently America does too. The latest poll shows only 18% think they're doing a good job. And half of those probably lied or were drunk when asked. Something happens to well meaning people when they get inside the beltway in Washington. They become spineless, greedy idiots. How many earmarks or pork barrel projects can I get? How about for once saying we need to do something for the country? It may not be your state or district, but if it's good for the nation agree with it! I'm off of Democrats AND Republicans (I'm a Republican) and the petty bickering that goes on. I live in northeast Louisiana, not San Francisco or New York or even New Orleans (I escaped!). I have what I consider normal mid American values and beliefs. And it drives me NUTS when I hear ideas shot down because the President or the opposing party had the idea. They always have a better idea. Like the drilling offshore moratorium that was lifted by Bush. The Democrats are against it. Drill on your leases you have now! The oil won't be available for 10 years! Well heck. Clinton was asked to do what Bush did and he used the 10 year thing too. Guess what? That was 10 years ago! Think gas is expensive now? Wait 10 years and see how much it costs to fill up. It's OK for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas to drill offshore, but not in my back yard! GROW UP! The country needs it.
Somebody needs to step up and tell these politicians to get off their collective butts and quit fighting and get to working. Punch holes in the ground and start getting the oil out. Tell the tree huggers to get some more granola and be glad they can run their air conditioning. And never, ever suggest to me I need a "carbon credit." If you need those, come see me. I'll sell you a ton of them...along with a bridge or two.
I'll try to rant and rave later my blood pressure's up.
Oil. I'm sick of hearing about it. It's China, it's big oil companies, it's speculators, it's ecology freaks, or pick the flavor of the week to blame prices on. Supply and demand? OK, I understand that because my brother teaches Finance and is married to an economist. But realistically, record profits by big oil last year on top of the record profits the year before are a little hard to swallow. How about calling it what it is...Greed. But hey, they're a business, right? Think about that the next time you fill up and dish out a C note. Wall Street speculators? Yeah, I rank them right up there with the big oil people. Greed. Don't go to Congress and give us all the hocus pocus of how hard it is for you to make billions in profit. Just tell us it's a business. We want all your money, and we figured out you HAVE to fill up your tank to go to work!
And politicians. Oh how I'm coming to hate anyone I ever voted for. Evidently America does too. The latest poll shows only 18% think they're doing a good job. And half of those probably lied or were drunk when asked. Something happens to well meaning people when they get inside the beltway in Washington. They become spineless, greedy idiots. How many earmarks or pork barrel projects can I get? How about for once saying we need to do something for the country? It may not be your state or district, but if it's good for the nation agree with it! I'm off of Democrats AND Republicans (I'm a Republican) and the petty bickering that goes on. I live in northeast Louisiana, not San Francisco or New York or even New Orleans (I escaped!). I have what I consider normal mid American values and beliefs. And it drives me NUTS when I hear ideas shot down because the President or the opposing party had the idea. They always have a better idea. Like the drilling offshore moratorium that was lifted by Bush. The Democrats are against it. Drill on your leases you have now! The oil won't be available for 10 years! Well heck. Clinton was asked to do what Bush did and he used the 10 year thing too. Guess what? That was 10 years ago! Think gas is expensive now? Wait 10 years and see how much it costs to fill up. It's OK for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas to drill offshore, but not in my back yard! GROW UP! The country needs it.
Somebody needs to step up and tell these politicians to get off their collective butts and quit fighting and get to working. Punch holes in the ground and start getting the oil out. Tell the tree huggers to get some more granola and be glad they can run their air conditioning. And never, ever suggest to me I need a "carbon credit." If you need those, come see me. I'll sell you a ton of them...along with a bridge or two.
I'll try to rant and rave later my blood pressure's up.
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